Balance sheet as of 30 June 2023
in EUR x 1.000
Balance sheet at 30 June 2023 (after appropriation of result) | |||||
Notes | 30-Jun-23 | 30-Jun-22 | |||
Financial fixed assets | |||||
Shares of HZPC Holding B.V. on behalf ot certificate holders | 1 | P.M. | P.M. | ||
Receivables | |||||
Dividend to be received from HZPC Holding B.V. | 2 | 3.997 | 3997 | ||
Current account HZPC Holding B.V. | 3 | 306 | 306 | ||
4.303 | 4.303 | ||||
Banks | 4 | 12 | 12 | ||
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS | 4.315 | 4.315 | |||
TOTAL ASSETS | 4.315 | 4.315 |
Equity and liabilities
in EUR x 1.000
Balance sheet at 30 June 2023(after result appropriation) | |||||
Notes | 30-Jun-23 | 30-Jun-22 | |||
Equity | 5 | 318 | 318 | ||
Long-term liabilities | |||||
Share certificates issued | P.M. | P.M. | |||
P.M. | P.M. | ||||
Current liabilities | |||||
Dividend to be paid to certificate holders | 3.997 | 3.997 | |||
3.997 | 3.997 | ||||
Profit and loss account over the financial year 2022/2023
in EUR x 1.000
Notes | 2022/2023 | 2021/2022 | |||
REVENUES | 0 | 0 | |||
COSTS | |||||
Other operating costs | 6 | 237 | 381 | ||
Charged to Royal HZPC Group B.V. | -237 | -381 | |||
Total expenses | 0 | 0 | |||
Net result | 0 | 0 |
Notes to the accounting policies for the annual accounts
Foundation of the Association HZPC
The Association, with Chamber of Commerce number 01086659, was founded on 29 November 1999 by means of a legal merger between Coöperatie De ZPC Pootgoed Belangen B.A. and Stichting Administratiekantoor Hettema, which were both converted to form part of the Association.
The Association HZPC has the legal ownership of 100% of the shares in Royal HZPC Group B.V. in Joure.
The objective of the Association HZPC is:
- the issuing and management of share certificates in the Company;
- promoting certain material interests of its members/certificate holders;
- promoting certain material interests of its growers;
- promoting certain material interests of its breeders.
Financial reporting period
The financial year of the Association HZPC runs from 1 July up to and including 30 June.
Applied standards
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Title 9, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code.
The applied accounting policies to the valuation of assets and liabilities and result determination are based on the historical cost convention unless stated otherwise.
Principles for the valuation of assets and liabilities and the general determination of the result
The continuity of the Association HZPC is minimally influenced by economic circumstances. The costs of the association are primarily caused by facilitating the trade in Royal HZPC Group B.V. share certificates. The costs are fully reimbursed by Royal HZPC Group. Otherwise, the association has practically no costs.
The dividends received from Royal HZPC Group B.V. are paid onto certificate holders after deduction of dividend tax.
Unless stated otherwise, assets and liabilities are shown at nominal value.
An asset is disclosed in the balance sheet when it is probable that the expected future economic benefits that are attributable to the asset will flow to the entity and the value of the asset can be measured reliably. A liability is recognised in the balance sheet when it is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits and the amount of the obligation can be determined with sufficient reliability. Income is recognised in the profit and loss account when an increase in future economic potential related to an increase in an asset or a decrease of a liability has arisen, the size of which can be reliably determined. Expenses are recorded when a decrease in the economic potential related to a decrease in an asset or an increase of a liability has arisen, the size of which can be determined with sufficient reliability. If a transaction results in a transfer of all or virtually all future economic benefits and all or virtually all risks relating to assets or liabilities to a third party, the asset or liability is no longer included in the balance sheet. In addition, assets and liabilities are no longer included in the balance sheet starting from the time at which the conditions of probability of the future economic benefits and reliability in determining the value are no longer satisfied.
The annual accounts are presented in euros; the Association’s functional currency. All financial information in euros is expressed in thousands and rounded to the nearest thousand unless otherwise indicated.
Determination of the result
Revenues and expenses are allocated to the period to which they relate. Revenues are accounted for if all important risks with regard to the commodities are transferred to the purchaser. The operational expenses are borne by Royal HZPC Group.
Use of estimates
The preparation of the annual accounts requires the Board to form opinions and to make estimates and assumptions that influence the application of principles and the reported values of assets and liabilities and of income and expenditure. Actual results may differ from these estimates.
The estImates and the underlying assumptions are constantly assessed. Revisions of estimates are included in the period in which the estimate is revised and in future periods for which the revision has consequences. There are no significant estimates in the annual accounts.
Financial instruments
Financial instruments include primary financial instruments such as receivables and payables, as well as derivative financial instruments. Reference is made to notes as per the balance sheet item for the accounting principles of the primary financial instruments.
Financial fixed assets
Equity interests and certificates where no significant influence is exercised are stated at cost or lower realisable value.
The loans are initially recorded at fair value, including discount or premium and directly attributable transaction costs. After initial inclusion, loans are shown at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less impairment losses.
The other financial fixed assets are valued at fair value on initial processing, plus transaction costs (if material). After initial processing, the assets are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment losses. Income from receivables and other securities allocated to financial fixed assets are accounted for in the year to which they relate.
Dividends are accounted for in the period to which they relate. Interest income is recorded in the profit and loss account on an accrual basis, using the effective interest rate method. Any profit or loss is recorded under financial income or expenses.
Receivables are measured at fair value on initial processing, plus transaction costs (if material). After initial processing, the assets are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less a provision for non-collectable debts. These provisions are determined by individual assessment of the receivables.
Cash is valued on the basis of nominal value. If cash is not freely available, this is taken into account during the valuation.
Classification of equity and debt
Financial instruments that are designated as equity instruments by virtue of the economic reality are presented under shareholders’ equity.
Payments to holders of these instruments are deducted from the shareholders’ equity after deduction of any related benefit due to tax on profit.
Financial instruments that are designated as a financial liability by virtue of the economic reality are presented under liabilities. Interest, dividends, income and expenditure with respect to these financial instruments are recorded in the profit and loss as financial income or expense.
Long-term and current liabilities
Long and short-term debts and other financial obligations are initially recorded at fair value, including discount or premium and directly attributable transaction costs. After initial inclusion, the long and short-term debts and other financial obligations at valued at amortised cost on the basis of the effective interest method.
Revenue recognition
The Association includes the revenues under net sales when all significant rights to economic benefits as well as all significant risks with regard to the transactions are transferred to the purchaser, when delivery has taken place, the price has been or can be determined and there is reasonable certainty that the sales price can be collected. Generally these criteria are satisfied at the moment the product or service is delivered and acceptance, if required, is obtained.
Expenses are allocated to the period to which they relate. The operational expenses are borne by Royal HZPC Group B.V.
Tax on the result
Association HZPC is not independently liable to taxation.
Related parties
Transactions with related parties will be explained if they are not entered into under normal market conditions. The nature and scope of the transaction and other information will be provided for these transactions in order to provide further insights.
Post-balance sheet events
Events which provide further information about the actual situation as of the balance date and which occur up to the date upon which the annual accounts are drafted will be encompassed within the annual accounts. Events which provide no further information about the actual situation as of the balance date will not be encompassed within the annual accounts. If such events are significant in order for the users of the annual accounts to form an opinion, the nature and estimated financial consequences will be described in the annual accounts.
Notes to the balance sheet
1. Shares in Royal HZPC Group B.V. on behalf of certificate holders
Royal HZPC Group B.V. | Joure | 783.725 |
There have been no changes in the number of Royal HZPC Group B.V. shares for certificate holders (783.275). These shares are valued at the nominal value of 20 euros per share. Association HZPC manages the shares for the certificate holders and as such, the Association may, subject to its articles of association and the Regulations on Conditions for Administration, perform all acts of management and disposition in relation to these shares. Association HZPC shall not dispose of or pledge, other than by way of exchangeability, shares in the company it holds in its own right without the approval of the General Meeting of Association HZPC. The Association has issued one certificate for each share.
Certificate holders include growers, seed potato growers, ware potato growers, former growers, former breeders, employees and/or former employees, as defined in the Regulations on Conditions for Administration. In addition, Captin B.V. and Euroclear Nederland may obtain and hold certificates under the Securities Giro Act. If a certificate holder does not (or no longer) meet the quality requirements, the Association may instruct Captin B.V. to sell the relevant certificates on behalf of the certificate holder.
2. Dividend to be received from HZPC Holding B.V.
The Association HZPC receives a dividend from Royal HZPC Group B.V., after deduction of the dividend tax, and pays this to the certificate holders in full.
3. Current account Royal HZPC Group B.V.
The current account of Royal HZPC Group B.V. has a maturity of less than one year and is not interest-bearing.
4. Cash
Cash is freely available to the Association
5. Equity
Reserves | 30-Jun-23 | 30-Jun-22 | |
Opening balance | 318 | 318 | |
Deductions: the results of the financial year | 0 | 0 | |
Closing balance | 318 | 318 |
The General Meeting will be asked to approve the following appropriation of the 2022/2023 result: an amount of EUR 0 to be added to the other reserves.
Notes to the profit and loss account
6. Other operating expenses
2022/2023 | 2021/2022 | ||
Cost of trading days | 168 | 123 | |
Organisation costs | 69 | 258 | |
237 | 381 | ||
Charged to Royal HZPC Group B.V. | |||
Operational expenses | -237 | -381 |
The Association HZPC employed an average of 0 FTEs during the financial year (previous financial year 0 FTEs). Organizational costs consist of organizing the fairs and fees to the board, where last year they also consisted of the cost of transitioning to the MTF.
Post-balance sheet events
No significant financial events have occurred following the balance sheet date.
Joure, 19 October 2023
The Board of Association HZPC
E.P. de Vries
M. Verhage
S.G Andringa
R.P. Smith
M. Wijtten